Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekly News Update for the Week of November 18th-24th 2008

Do you work all day and have no time or energy to find out what's going on in the world? Do you get bored and impatient watching TV anchors tell you over and over what's going on? Do you sometimes care more about what Britney Spears is doing than what President Bush said during his State of the Union address? If you answered yes to even one of these questions this is what you've been waiting for! Every week I'm going to give you a quick rundown of the past week's biggest headlines. I won't bore you with minute details and shove tons of information down your throats. These are just the facts with a little humor for measure! And if you want to know more you can always just Google it or ask me.


Madonna and Guy Ritchie's divorce began and was settled as quickly as most Hollywood marriages. It was quick and somewhat painless, and Guy came away with $70M plus a house and his pub. Obviously Madge likes to bury herself in her work when he's going through traumatic personal issues, and now she's going to be the new face of Louis Vuitton's 2009 campaign. Paris Hilton and Benji Madden have split after a long 9 months together. Shocker...I know. Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil have apparently split. So severe drug problems, an arrest and jail sentence didn't split them. But a Swedish/German model is the absolute last straw! Jodie Sweetin, a.k.a. Stephanie Tanner, is splitting from her hubby of 16 months. Now that she's coming out with a book she must think she's all-that again :p

No one thought they would see the day, but Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary. And sadly they've yet to see any more normal. Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy and Sharon's middle child, is engaged to her bf Luke Worrall. My Name is Earl and more importantly Mallrats star Jason Lee has just admitted to getting married to Ceren Alkac, the mother of his 2nd child, back in July. And Hills stars Heidi and Spencer have eloped in Mexico last week (Nov. 20th)...I honestly think this could last. They're so sad they need one another.

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz welcomed their first child, a son name Bronx Mowgli. Bronx I can stomach, but don't they get it that this child has to live with Mowgli for the rest of his life?!? Tobey Maguire and wifey Jen Meyer are expecting their 2nd child.

Ms.Britney Spears is all over the place promoting her upcoming new album. On Sunday, Nov. 30th MTV will air Britney: For the Record and "tell-all" doc-style special where Ms. Spears opens up about EVERYTHING. Clueless star, Alicia Silverstone, is coming out with a vegan diet book called The Kind Diet. Oprah is known for many wonderful things, but most of her die-hard fans are obsessed with her annual Favorite Things show where she names all her favorite things and then gives everything to the audience. Well in light of economic crisis the Big O's favorite things are all going to be free or very cheap...probably something like hugging a loved one (yuck)! I want a free car!!!!!!!

Michael Jackson is also busy making headlines (impressive considering) he hasn't put out any new material in years! The King of Pop was being sued by Arab Sheikh Al Khalif because for accepting millions of $s and not producing any work . The case has been settled out of court. I guess he was to busy converting to Islam to concentrate on work. You can now call him Mikaeel.

With the holidays fast approaching many magazines and organizations are busy compiling useless lists that junkies like T-Time feed on. Forbes magazine came out with the '10 Hottest Celebrity Tots'...Suri Cruise came out on top, 'Hollywood's Most Overexposed Celebs'...with Paris Hilton taking top honors, and 'Hollywood's Top-Earning Couples' that Beyonce and Jay Z rocked. People magazine has come out with its annual 'Sexiest Man Alive' issue...Hugh Jackman ruled this year. If that's not enough hot men for you then you can check out GQ's Men of the Year. And Entertainment Weekly released it's '10 Breakout Stars of 2008'.

Jennifer Garner has put a court order out against a stalker. The man has been stalking her for years and has even at her home. Winona Ryder had a scary moment while flying to London. The plane had to perform an emergency landing after the actress OD'd on Xanax. She was rushed to a hospital, had her stomach pumped, and was up and running at an awards ceremony later on. She apparently takes the meds to calm herself during flights. Travis Barker is suing over his plane crash claiming the accident wouldn't have happened if the company had taken proper care of their plane.


President-elect Barack Obama has been keeping busy building his administration. So far...confirmed positions: Chief of staff-Rahm Emmanuel, Counsel-Greg Craig, Senior adviser-David Axelrod, Senior adviser-Valerie Jarrett, White House press secretary-Robert Gibbs, Vice-Presidents chief of staff-Ron Klain; not yet confirmed but vetted: Secretary of State-Hillary Clinton, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Secretary of Health-Tom Daschle, Attorney General-Eric Holder, Secretary of Homeland Security-Janet Napolitano, Commerce Secretary- Bill Richardson. The Obamas have also been busy choosing a school for their 2 young daughters. They have decided that the girls will be attending the prestigious Sidwell Friends School, the same school former first kid Chelsea Clinton attended.

Arizona Senator John McCain is not letting his presidential bid loss take him down. He is planning to run for his 5th term in 2010. Two state senate elections were still going on long after Election Day, but now Alaska has finally picked a winner (Minnesota is still counting ballots). Democratic senate candidate Mark Begich beat Republican Senator Ted Stevens (who was in office for 40 years). Stevens was convicted federal corruption last month and was fighting an uphill battle to keep his seat. Minnesota is embroiled in a crazy recount. No hanging chads, but still tons of questions.

Former NY governor Eliot Spitzer's escort, Ashley Dupre, told "all" to Diane Sawyer on 20/20. You can check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the interview. You almost start to feel bad for the pretty and popular girl from NJ who had a nice family that didn't abandon or abuse her...almost.

News Potpourri:

I'll leave you with some quick news tidbits that couldn't fit either here or there so they're getting their own paragraph! The word 'meh' [expression of indifference or boredom] has been added to the Collins English Dictionary. One thing not to be meh about? No Doubt has announced, on their site, that they will be going back on tour! Woohoo! For all you Trekkies here is the trailer for the highly anticipated Star Trek movie. Yahoo CEO, Jerry Yang, has resigned so watch out for a Microsoft buyout! The government bailout drama continues. The big 3 automakers' (Ford, GM, and Chrysler) CEOs arrived in D.C. separately via their private jets to beg for taxpayer money..that didn't go over to well with the American public, but Citigroup was just bailed out by the government. If you thought pirates were only fictional characters from Peter Pan and Pirates of the Caribbean you've obviously never been hijacked by a band of Somali pirates! These attacks have severely increased in the past year, and right now the pirates are holding a Saudi tanker for $15M ransom! We now know what caused those wildfires that devastated huge portions of Southern California...they were started by a group of college kids who never properly put out a bonfire. Yet another tragedy has hit TVs across the country. One of T-Time's favorite shows, Pushing Daisies, has been cancelled. But Lipstick Jungle has been given a life raft with a 4 episode extension...let's see if they can get their ratings up! Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D List, is coming back for Season 5 and will still be on Bravo. What says holiday season more than those red Salvation Army buckets with volunteers ringing bells and asking for donations? Well now you don't have to feel guilty about not having spare change, the buckets have gone high-tech and are accepting credit cards! A Judge has ordered that 5 Guantanamo Bay detainees be released after 7 years in prison because there was sufficient evidence to keep them there. The tween sensation Twilight has proven the buying power of teens and their parents...the movie brought in over $70 in its opening weekend and already has a sequel in the works. Bond's Quantum of Solace kept it strong in 2nd place (T-Time saw it and highly recommends it!). Ever wonder what Justin Timberlake would look like in a black bodysuit and heels dancing backup for Beyonce?!? Here's your video of the week.

I hope this gives you an idea of what's going on in the world. Buck's not so bad! Thanksgiving is only 3 days away, and President Bush will pardon one lucky turkey to be free this year! All is right with the world!

Now go eat some turkey and have an intellectually stimulating conversation with your neighbor about what you've just learned.


You can also check this out on my official blog.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekly News Update for the Week of November 11th-17th 2008

Do you work all day and have no time or energy to find out what's going on in the world? Do you get bored and impatient watching TV anchors tell you over and over what's going on? Do you sometimes care more about what Britney Spears is doing than what President Bush said during his State of the Union address? If you answered yes to even one of these questions this is what you've been waiting for! Every week I'm going to give you a quick rundown of the past week's biggest headlines. I won't bore you with minute details and shove tons of information down your throats. These are just the facts with a little humor for measure! And if you want to know more you can always just Google it or ask me.

*Thank you to all who came out to celebrate T-Time's 1 Year Anniversary! It was super fun, and it meant so much to see all of your smiling, supportive faces! This new year will hopefully bring a bunch of bigger and better changes to T-Time so be on the lookout and spread the word!!!

The Celeb Go-Around:

Heather Locklear has officially been charged with a DUI stemming from her arrest in September for driving erratically and being under the influence of some substance. Justin Timberlake is being sued, well his NYC eatery Southern Hospitality is, because of one of the staff members claims he got cheated out of a legal salary and tips. I foresee some settling out of court business. Kanye West was arrested again, this time in London, for attacking a paparazzo. You would think he learned his lesson from the first arrest! Paula Abdul had a scary fan moment. A super obsessed fan/stalker, Paula Goodspeed, was found dead in her car outside of Abdul's house from an apparent drug overdose. And Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch has been sold. Oh if those walls could talk!

Jennifer Aniston is normally very private about her personal life, but in a slew of recent interviews, most notably Vogue, Aniston has had diarrhea of the mouth. She admitted that she has hurt feelings over the Angelina/Brad thing, she wishes Brad all the best, she is actually very "lucky in love" (despite all the failed relationships), she is dating John Mayer, she did date Vince Vaughn, etc. Speaking of Angelina...the actress is so content with her family that she doesn't see herself acting for too much longer. She admitted that after this year she's going to "fade away" and just be with her family. Funnyman Adam Sandler and his wife Jackie quietly welcomed a 2nd daughter into the world...Sunny Madeline. And Nicole Kidman showed the first picture of her daughter, Sunday Rose, while on Oprah.

Due to the trying financial times, celebs, especially the ones who aren't working as much, are keeping busy with side jobs and new projects. Both Sarah Silverman and Jodie Sweetin (a.k.a. Stephanie Tanner from Full House) have book deals in the works. Hillary Duff is in talks to get her own show on the Peacock Network. And Rosie O'Donnell's new variety show, Rosie Live will air November 26th on NBC as well. Don't be shocked if you hear a knock at your door and the singer Prince is standing there. In a recent interview he admitted that as a Jehovah's Witness he too walks door to door spreading the good word. Charlize Theron is also spreading some positive vibes...she was just named a UN Messenger of Peace.

Barbara Walters has announced 9 of the 10 people on her list for her yearly special, 10 Most Fascinating People, which will air on December 4th on ABC. Some of the famous names on the list are Will Smith, Tina Fey, Tom Cruise, Miley Cyrus, Michael Phelps, and more. Walters always keeps the #1 person a secret till the show airs.

Political Round-Up:

President-elect Barack Obama gave his first post-win interview to 60 Minutes where he discussed what he's been up to, future plans, and how the family is transitioning. Want to see the 44th and first black President of the United States on Inauguration Day, January 20th? Just shell out ~$30K on EBay and the tickets are all yours (they're supposed to be free…d*mn those scalpers)! Lindsay Lohan proved that skipping higher education for a Hollywood career does not a mind do well. During an interview on Access Hollywood the actress called Obama our "first colored president". President-elect Obama is slowly putting his team together and is using a lot of former Clinton staff like Obama's lawyer, Gregory P. Craig, who was former President Clinton's impeachment lawyer, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who stood in for Obama during the G20 summit, and Vice President-elect Joe Biden has also picked his Chief of Staff…Ron Klain (former VP Al Gore's chief of staff). Déjà vu anyone? Speaking of the Clintons, rumors are flying that Senator Hillary Clinton is up for the position of Secretary of State in Obama's administration. Clinton has met with Obama, but no details of what was discussed have been released.

Want to know what code names the Secret Service will be calling the First Family? President-elect Obama - Renegade, Michelle Obama - Renaissance, Malia - Radiance, and Sasha - Rosebud, Vice President-elect Biden - Celtic, and Jill Biden - Capri. Not sure why this is public knowledge, but it is so now you know!

Senator John McCain made his first public appearance since losing the presidential election, and honored Veteran's Day on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. McCain's former running mate, Governor Sarah Palin, has been making her rounds at GOP functions trying to rally the troops. She hasn't admitted to anything definite, but there is speculation that she may run for one of Alaska's Senate seats. Senator Ted Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate, has returned to work after surgery on a malignant brain tumor.

President Bush gathered leaders from 20 nations at the White House for the G20 Summit to discuss the world's economic crisis. Proposition 8 continues to be a huge issue in California. At a gay rights rally comedian Wanda Sykes decided to come out as a lesbian and admitted to getting married to her wife back in October. While in Connecticut gay marriages have begun.

News Potpourri:

I'll leave you with some quick news tidbits that couldn't fit either here or there so they're getting their own paragraph! The pregnant man, the woman who became a man but kept her reproductive organs and had a baby with her/his wife, is pregnant again! I bet you never thought you'd hear a story like that once in your life, and now it's happening again! The Victoria's Secret models stomped on the runway in as little clothing as possible for their annual fashion show. Don't worry you didn't miss it! It will air on Dec. 3rd on CBS. A new report shows that Burlington, Vermont is considered the healthiest city in the U.S. while Huntington, West Virginia is the unhealthiest! The drama over the $700B bailout has slightly moved away from the banks and is now all about the automobile industry (the big 3: Ford, GM and Chrysler). Do we give them the money despite their inability and lack of desire to change their bad company ways?!? No one seems to have an answer! The new James Bond movie Quantum of Solace was #1 in the box office and brought in over $70M. For all of you Hills junkies get ready to scream with joy...the "cast" has agreed to do a 5th season. United Airlines is taking "extra fees" to a whole other lever! They will now charge you $25 to book your flights with a human being over the phone. If you want to avoid the charge you must book online. These people are can they get away this crap?!? Southern California is being ravaged by wildfires yet again. Celebs like Oprah and Rob Lowe all have homes in the area and had to evacuate. Back to the Future's Doc, Christopher Lloyd, lost his home. Is Lipstick Jungle cancelled or not? That is the question. According to everyone, but the show's stars, the show is over. And if you're into checking out some new music listen to Joey Salvia. With the year coming to an end it can only mean one thing...awards season! Both the Country Music Awards (CMAs) and the Latin Grammy Awards already happened. Total Request Live (TRL) aired its final show this past Saturday. In honor of 10 years of musical history a lot of big name musicians came back to the MTV studios to remember all the good, fun and crazy times! With the departure of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler SNL is welcoming 2 new female cast members; Abby Elliott and Michaela Watkins. Hopefully you're SNL fans cause MadTV has been cancelled after 14 seasons. Always wanted to see your favorite celebs randomly paired, forced to wear GAP clothes and sing Christmas jingles?!? Now here's your chance!

I hope this gives you an idea of what's going on in the world. Buck up…it's not so bad! Thanksgiving is only 10 days away, and Stephanie Tanner is writing a tell-all book! All is right with the world!

Now go and have an intellectually stimulating conversation with your neighbor about what you've just learned.


You can also check this out on my official blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekly News Update for the Week of November 4th-10th 2008

Do you work all day and have no time or energy to find out what's going on in the world? Do you get bored and impatient watching TV anchors tell you over and over what's going on? Do you sometimes care more about what Britney Spears is doing than what President Bush said during his State of the Union address? If you answered yes to even one of these questions this is what you've been waiting for! Every week I'm going to give you a quick rundown of the past week's biggest headlines. I won't bore you with minute details and shove tons of information down your throats. These are just the facts with a little humor for measure! And if you want to know more you can always just Google it or ask me.

*My apologies for canceling T-Time's 1 Year Anniversary Party...even bloggers get sick! But the party has been rescheduled for this coming Saturday so please make sure to check for your Evites/Facebook invites and RSVP!

Love Makes Hollywood Go Round:

Anne Hathaway has found new love after her crash & burn relationship with ex-boyfriend and convicted felon Raffaelo Follieri. She's apparently seeing actor Adam Shulman. Kendra Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner's ex-GF #3, is now engaged to Philadelphia Eagles star Hank Baskett. Lindsay Lohan is still spending a whole lot of quality time with DJ Samantha Ronson but has yet to come out of the closet. In a recent Harper's Bazaar interview she sort of admits to being bisexual, but she emphatically denies being a lesbian. Exclusive T-Time info!!! I have heard, from a very reliable source, that Lenny Kravitz will be marrying a Russian girl named Katya. They met in St. Petersburg a year ago and are planning to make it official in a few months! My source was at a house party in Russia and personally spoke to the future Mrs. Kravitz. Trust me…you heard it hear first!

Rarely celeb couples don't work out :p Jaime Pressly and her baby-daddy/fiancé, Eric Cubiche, have split up after 4 years together and a baby boy. Evan Rachel Wood (age 21) and fiancé Marilyn Manson (age 39) have split up. Rumor has it she's sleeping with her former co-star Mickey Rourke (age 56). Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have split for the 2nd time. Why can't these kids just make it work? If you've seen The Notebook you know they belong together!!!! Guy Ritchie is not seeing one of the stars of his new movie Sherlock Holmes unlike previously rumored. Actress Kelly ReilIy is apparently engaged and has never been in a relationship with the future ex-Mr. Madonna. I personally hate when tabloids assume that couples are breaking up cause they're not seen together or aren't wearing their wedding rings, but I'm about to make the same assertion. I have not seen a single photo of Christina Aguilera wearing her wedding ring in a very long time (she used to always have it on). Now I'm not saying that she and her hubby are headed for splitsville, but I am making my first public T-Time prediction. Let's see what happens in the next few months…I hope to be proved wrong.

Madonna has achieved the unachievable. She got Britney and Justin on the same stage on the same night! Madge was performing in L.A. so all the stars came out. Britney (looking great) joined her to sing Human Nature and, JT came out to sing 4 Minutes. Although the ex-lovers didn't meet on stage, they apparently shared pleasantries backstage. Madonna could part the seas if she wanted to.

Charlize Theron settled her $20M lawsuit with watchmaker Raymond Weil. Now maybe she'll think twice before agreeing to wear one company's items and then wearing another one! After several cancelled shows, Janet Jackson has officially cancelled the rest of her Rock Witchu tour due to scheduling conflicts. Strange…usually scheduling conflicts are taken care of before a huge tour is planned. Former porn star Jenna Jameson has filed legal papers to make her stage name official (she was born Jenna Marie Massoli.) William Balfour, the person of interest in the murders of Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew, is still in jail.

President-elect Barack Obama:

Well it's officially done! Illinois Senator Barack Obama won the election and is the new President-elect and soon-to-be 44th President of the United States. Microsoft Word will now officially have to recognize his name as correctly spelled :p Here's what he had to say upon the historic moment. The biggest news to come out of that speech is what kind of puppy his little girls are gonna get. According to Obama it has to be hypoallergenic and preferably from a shelter. But Obama hasn't been wasting his time…he's already chosen his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel (Illinois Democratic member of the House of Reps). Fun Hollywood connection: Rahm himself is the inspiration for the West Wing character Josh Lyman, and Rahm's brother, Ari, is the inspiration for Entourage's Ari Gold. Wondering what all those enthusiastic Obama fans are doing now? See the sad footage here. And no surprise here, but Barack has become one of the most popular new baby names!

Senator John McCain gave a very gracious concession speech. He gave a good fight, but alas the Obama campaign was too strong and perfect. Now that the campaign is over some of McCain campaign workers are speaking out about Governor Sarah Palin (bad temper, refusal to work with campaign managers, dumb, etc). Palin has fought back calling these people cowards. I think someone is bitter about losing. And Tina Fey has officially retired her Palin impersonation.

Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer can thank his lucky stars. He will not face criminal charges stemming from his prostitution bust. Investigators found no proof that he used campaign funds to satiate his needs.

This election day wasn't just about new presidents and state reps, but the states themselves were passing many laws and bills. The State of California made gay marriage legal back in May, but this past election day Proposition 8 was passed rebanning gay marriage. So now it's no longer legal. There are a whole lot of angry LGBTs running around. The State of Michigan has legalized the use of medical marijuana. And the State of Washington has legalized assisted suicide. I know where Dr. K is moving!

News Potpourri:

I'll leave you with some quick news tidbits that couldn't fit either here or there so they're getting their own paragraph! AC/DC's new album is #1…impressive considering the band has been around since the 70s. Speaking of oldies but goodies…MJ's Thriller is coming to Broadway! Kim Cattral admitted that there will be Sex and the City sequel!!! According to Sarah Jessica Parker negotiations are still in the works, but I totally believe it's gonna happen. The new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace is premiering in the U.S. this Friday, November 14th. Although it's expected to make millions of $s, the movie Twilight based on the tween book sensation is outselling it on Fandango! If award shows are your thing...the nominees for the People's Choice Awards were just announced. And Happy Birthday to Tema...T-Time loves ya!

I hope this gives you an idea of what's going on in the world. Buck up…it's not so bad! The T-Time party is back up and running! All is right with the world!

Now go and have an intellectually stimulating conversation with your neighbor about what you've just learned.


You can also check this out on my official blog.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekly News Update for the Week of October 28th-November 3rd 2008

Do you work all day and have no time or energy to find out what's going on in the world? Do you get bored and impatient watching TV anchors tell you over and over what's going on? Do you sometimes care more about what Britney Spears is doing than what President Bush said during his State of the Union address? If you answered yes to even one of these questions this is what you've been waiting for! Every week I'm going to give you a quick rundown of the past week's biggest headlines. I won't bore you with minute details and shove tons of information down your throats. These are just the facts with a little humor for measure! And if you want to know more you can always just Google it or ask me.

*Don't forget: T-Time will be celebrating its 1 year anniversary this coming Saturday, November 8th at 10 p.m…. so please respond to the Evite and/or Facebook invite and mark your calendars!

Working Hard for Their Money:

The celebs are working hard for their money these days. The recession is hitting everyone! Ms. Spears is back in the news but for actually good reasons. If you want to see how she got her body back you can watch her workout video. She also released her new album cover and single. The main reason Britney got herself back on track was her dad becoming her conservator. Well a Judge just granted him permanent conservatorship over his daughter and her expect a full comeback! Christina Aguilera also released her new single with a new video that's so-so. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have been keeping busy as well. They just came out with a coffee table book called Influence where they interviewed creative people that inspire them. If you feel like shelling out $35 you too may become enlightened. Former Gucci creative director Tom Ford is putting the finishing touches on his directorial debut A Single Man. The designer always expressed his desire to direct, and he's finally done it. Let's hope it's as good as his designs! Possibly inspired by her husband or possibly just by cold, hard cash Victoria, Posh Spice, Beckham has signed on to be the new model for Giorgio Armani underwear. Be on the lookout for half-naked billboards in a city near you. Jessica Simpson isn't having as much luck resurrecting her career. Her film Major Movie Star is RUSSIA! Poor thing can't seem to catch a break these days. At a recent red carpet event, Joaquin Phoenix announced that he's retiring from acting to pursue music full-time. Don't freak out yet! Despite it being a loss to the business (he is super talented) people are worried that he's not in the clearest mental state (cough cough...drugs & alcohol) and just making rash decisions and random statements.

Gwen Stefani has finally debuted her super cute new baby, Zuma! Supermodel Niki Taylor is pregnant with her 3rd child (she has 13 year-old twins from her first marriage); husband is NASCAR driver Burney Lamar. Rapper Nelly finally admitted to being in a relationship with singer Ashanti...albeit 5 years too late. I know I keep saying it, but the Girls Next Door are officially moving out of the Playboy Mansion. Bridget (GF #2) confirmed it during an interview. Don't be too sad for them. Holly Madison (former GF #1) and illusionist Criss Angel finally admitted to their relationship...they were kissing and holding hands on the red carpet at the opening of his new Las Vegas show. Madonna's divorce from Guy Ritchie is slowly getting uglier by the day since it's mostly focused on money and the children's custody. Details about her apparent strict parenting and his apparent gold-digging ways are flying all over the place. Her sources say he was verbally and even sometimes physically abusive, and his sources say she was controlling and cold. But it seems like M is taking solace in her romance with Yankees' star Alex Rodriguez...rumor has it that the 2 spent some quiet alone time in Jerry Seinfeld's Hamptons house (who even knew that Madonna and Jerry were friends?!?). American Idol judge Simon Cowell and girlfriend Terri Seymor have split after 6 years together over her wanting a baby and him not. Another relationship that has bit the dust? Bachelorette star Deanna Pappas ended her engagement with Jesse Csincsak. Why can't they all be like Trista and Ryan?!?

Jennifer Hudson's family held a private memorial for her late mother, brother and nephew, and the 3 of have been laid to rest. The murder weapon, a gun, was found, and William Balfour is still in police custody and the primary suspect.

1 Day and Counting…Can't Come Soon Enough!:

Thank [insert anyone/thing you worship] that this presidential campaign is almost over! Both candidates are going full steam ahead! Senator Barack Obama's campaign is trying to promote "Take Election Day Off and Vote". Hey if you can do it, then take off from work/school, vote and relax while watching the results. If not, then just ask to leave at lunch or early to make sure you get those fancy "I Voted Stickers". Obama also took out a 30-minute ad that aired on the 3 major networks and cost ~$40M and had ~33.7M viewers. Obama is dealing with another controversial connection…this time with Palestinian scholar and activist Rashid Khalidi (an issue considering that Obama claims to be pro-Israel). The LA Times is refusing to release a tape of a party which shows Obama praising Khalidi. And apparently the Senator is quite the tardy one. What will Obama be doing election day? His ritual is to play basketball! Unfortunately Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, died at the age 86 after long battle with cancer. Luckily he took time out of campaigning to visit her in Hawaii just a few days ago. She helped raise him and was one of his biggest support systems.

Senator John McCain decided to not be outshone by his running partner, Governor Sarah Palin, so he made his own SNL appearance! He also stopped by SNL's Weekend Update! And what will McCain be doing on election day? His ritual is to go to a movie and then get some Mexican food. Palin may have brought in more viewers with her stint at SNL, but she did fall prey to quite the prank call when she thought she was on a phone call with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. And with 1 day to go Palin has yet to release her medical records...what's up with the delay?

Celebs have come out again to remind you to NOT VOTE :P And if celebs don't do it for you then maybe these young, school rapping debaters will! NASA astronauts in space have even cast their votes! Don't be left out. Tuesday, November 4th is ELECTION DAY! Please take the time out of your day to vote at your local voting station. It's beyond a super important decision, and it's your way of having an active hand in this country's future!!! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!! And if you vote you can get a free Starbucks coffee, free Krispy Kreme donut, and free Ben & Jerry's !!!

News Potpourri:

I'll leave you with some quick news tidbits that couldn't fit either here or there so they're getting their own paragraph! For all you Led Zeppelin fans…they're going back on tour. But for all you Robert Plant fans…he will not be joining. Still mourning the end of Sopranos? You can drown your sorrows with Sopranos wine. Melrose Place fans may soon be able to cheer! With the success of the new 90210 producers are thinking of doing an MP remake as well. King of the Hill is unfortunately caput after this season. Cola beverages have been around for ages and so have soda company logos. Well Pepsi wants to be up with the times and is constantly updating their image, and they've just had another facelift. After a few rain delays the Philadelphia Phillies beat the Tampa Bay Rays for the World Series Championship title. The ING NYC Marathon blasted through all 5 boroughs. Celebs like Ryan Reynolds and Beth Ostrosky ran as well as T-Time friends Rebecca and Ani who rocked the race!!! Brazil's Marilson Gomes dos Santos won for the men (his 2nd win), and Paula Radcliffe of the UK won for the 3rd, 2nd consecutive, time. If you're obsessed with Twinkies as much as I am but don't eat them cause you just know how bad they are for you, it is time to rejoice! Twinkies will now come in 100-calorie snack packs and be bite-size!!! I can die a happy blogger now!

I hope this gives you an idea of what's going on in the world. Buck up…it's not so bad! Election Day is almost upon us, 6 days till T-Time's 1-year anniversary party, and Twinkies will be "healthy"! All is right with the world!

Now go and have an intellectually stimulating conversation with your neighbor about what you've just learned.


You can also check this out on my official blog.