Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear T-Timers,

I write this with great sadness and regret. T-Time is stepping out of the blogging limelight.

As some of you may have noticed T-Time has been a little erratic in its delivery...sometimes on a Monday night, sometimes on a Tuesday day, and there have even been weeks where no T-Time has made it at all. Due to a big schedule change I no longer have the time to keep up with the week's headlines let alone write them out for you. In the highest form if irony...T now needs T-Time!

This is not a "good-bye" but a "see you later". It's an early, temporary retirement if you will. T-Time will find a new way to make it into your inboxes...this I promise you!

Thank you all for being such loyal and enthusiastic readers. From its birth in October 2007 T-Time was always for you!

And instead of being sad...think of all the great things that have happened since T-Time began!!!

Paris and Nicole were in and out of jail...
Lindsay and Britney were in and out of rehab...
The presidential campaign ran on for what felt like forever...
Celebrity babies proved that Hollywood is solely to blame for over-population...
Oprah can do no wrong...
Summer Olympics gave us some new heroes...
YouTube, Funnyordie.com, and Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video gave us some of the best Videos of the Week...
Everything that was cool in the 80s and 90s is cool again (NKOTB, 90210, O.J. Simpson, etc)...
Celebrity couples continued to pop up and break up in record time...
Politicians proved that they can be as popular/infamous as celebs: Palin, Spitzer, Blagojevich, Kennedy, Clinton...
...and so much more

*Special thanks to T-Time's family and friends for the extra special support and encouragement (Kat...for coming up with the idea of T-Time over tea, Mom...for saying I'm creative with words (so I wouldn't feel bad about my lack of artistic skills), Dad...for coming up with the name T-Time, Jim...for commenting on EVERY week's T-Time and for the original sketch, Sasha...for always pushing me to do this and for the updated sketch, and everybody else near and dear (you know who you are)!!!
